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Lake Nakuru National Park, in Central Kenya, is famous for its huge flocks of pink flamingos. The birds throng on Lake Nakuru itself, one of the Rift Valley soda lakes that covers almost a third of the park’s area.

The park was established in 1961, and more than 450 species of birds have been recorded here, as well as a rich diversity of other wildlife. Lions, leopards, warthogs, waterbucks, pythons, and white rhinos are just some of the animals you might see, and the landscapes range from sweeping grasslands bordering the lake to rocky cliffs and woodland.

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Why visit Lake Nakuru National Park?


Lake Nakuru National Park is a must-visit destination in Kenya due to its incredible biodiversity. The park is home to a wide variety of animals and birds, including millions of flamingos, rhinos, lions, leopards, giraffes, and more. Visitors to the park can experience firsthand the natural beauty and diversity of Kenya’s wildlife.

The alkaline lake is the park’s main attraction, and it is an incredibly unique sight to see. The lake is home to millions of flamingos and other water birds, making it a must-visit destination for bird watchers. The sight of these colorful birds lining the lake’s shores is truly awe-inspiring.

Another reason to visit Lake Nakuru National Park is to take a game drive. During a game drive, visitors have the chance to see the park’s resident animals and birds in their natural habitat. Visitors can also take a guided walk to the Makalia Falls, where they can see baboons, warthogs, and other primates.

Lake Nakuru National Park is also an important conservation area, particularly for rhinos. The park is home to both black and white rhinos, and it is one of the few places in Kenya where visitors can see these majestic animals in the wild. By visiting the park, visitors are supporting conservation efforts to protect these endangered species.

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